The official location of UCAN FM

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Episode 5

Episode 5 sees the return of ever popular favourites, 'Anagrams', 'Agony Aunt', and the 'Quiz'. Also making a return,! A new cyber segment also makes an appearance. Hope you enjoy listening! If we can you can!

The UCAN FM Team

1 comment:

Graham said...

Hello all at UCAN FM. I am a black female Catholic and I am also unfortunately height deprived... some may call me a dwarf or perhaps, midget. I was wondering if you were thinking of fully alienating me by mentioning this on your radio station. You might as well, as I am already desensitized by your racism/fascism/sexism having tuned in to every episode as of now.

I also have severe anger problems and tend to do irrational things when provoked.

Keep up the good work lads!