The official location of UCAN FM

Friday 18 April 2008

U CAN on Facebook

Hello all

There is also now a facebook group for all of our regular listeners. Please click here and join the revolution!



Jeff (The Non-League Paper) said...

Not Hot!!! Makes Alan Partridge and Loose Women appear compelling (and rich!). To give a colour rating to the show it would have to recieve a dark white. Bringing me on to my next point: a deep concern has been raised by a certain ex-Blackburn player (who cannot be named) about the racist elements of the show. The FA have been informed. The feminist movement of Northern Ireland are also said to be fuming/hairy and pursuing a legal battle with a certain Grant Dunlop.

Jeff (The Non-League Paper)

Well done lads 10/10

Sarah said...

Oh, and loving the studio fun pics!
Any chance of more?
x x